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I'm Andy. I'm a London-based director, creative producer, writer and consultant working across theatre, VR, video games, film and events.

Here you'll find a selection of my work from the last ten years or so. It's not comprehensive and I haven't bothered to add anything earlier than around 2012. 

The highlighted projects capture the breadth of my roles in many capacities across many disciplines and contexts including plays, VR, motion-capture, video games, installations, parades, youth theatre, and community projects. I created the puppetry for the music video for Coldplay's song "Daddy" with Aardman Animations. I have directed Dance for the 2012 Cultural Olympiad and created puppetry for TV. I was Associate Director of War Horse in the West end from 2015-2016.

I have worked with animation and production companies including Aardman Animations, Blink Studios, Riff Raff, Rowdy and bunch of theatres in the UK including the National Theatre, Young Vic, Old Vic. I have also worked at universities and drama schools including Mountview, East 15, GSA and St Mary’s. 

I am an Artist Advisor for Jerwood Arts: a group of artists invited for their skills and expertise to contribute to identifying talent, supporting selection and decision making processes, their experience highlighting the breadth of artistic practices Jerwood Arts supports.

I am co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of Existent and one half of Brunskill and Grimes Ltd.


I'm always interested in working in new ways across new disciplines.

You can contact me here or get in touch with my agent. 

I'm represented by Sam Brunskill at Simon & How Associates

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